About me?

Well, I'm Bharath M Shetty.  Experimenting a lot, mostly with code! I have been exposed to computers from a very early age. Dad knew the world from the interactions he had with people in early 2006, he wanted to have a news portal of his own and a web presence would take over the world, so started putting me in classes to train me to do it. I am proud of him for what he foresaw for his lack of education.

I have been fascinated by computers as well, assembling my own pcs, and pirating in the early 2010s when Jio was not even a thing. Built websites for news channels in 2011 for many of them, and got featured in an episode on the local TV channel.  Built a social media called Tuvituvi using Ruby on Rails when I was 14 in 2014, and used that to win college competitions. Launched it, shared it on Facebook had 200 users sign up, and then I didn't have any money to maintain it so shut it down. This was launched on Heroku.

Later worked on Handlyng, a job pin platform which met LinkedIn in 2015. Again shut it down because it was too complicated, this had custom subdomains for each company. Which was crazy do to back then.    

AI started fascinating me, started learning about AI, and early ML models. Took all courses from Andrew Ng and finished most of the classes and got the certificates. I can write a multi-layer NN from scratch. This was in early 2017-2018. Won a couple of ML competitions, then did an internship at niki.ai an AI local language assistant and got a lot of interest in natural language processing. This was around the time RNNs and Attention is All You Need paper got famous.  

Along the journey data science fascinated me too. Started answering in StackOverflow in early 2017 and got a good reputation as well. Was 0.1% of all users on StackOverflow.

As I aged I started listening to people to decide what I want to do in life. Big mistake! Joined electrical engineering but couldn't complete it because I wanted to be an entrepreneur; college didn't support my nature and moreover, I was fascinated by computers. I dropped out.

Was working on multiple projects, Soln an Android app to decode math problems that are handwritten. Didn't find PMF. Then I met with Rohin and started freelancing for Pocketbits. Independently consulted Cloudsenz, Pichain, Flunkey, Kutumba and a few other small projects.

Then stuck to Pocketbits and started doing full-time work. It is an Indian exchange. It had to be rebuilt for the scale, and we did. I had to let go of all my clients. Then continued my journey as tech lead at Pocketbits. Did some frontend, all of backend and devops. We then built Zelta a gamified crypto exchange. Lots of crazy NFTs and whatnot. Then we pivoted to build something in web3 and Defi because the centralized exchange is a PITA. It's not easy.  

The world of web3 fascinated me too much, so much so that I wanted to have my presence in this huge arena. So ended up doing work full-time on solvers protocol which fascinates me. I still am fascinated by AI and LLMs, they will be your everyday company in the long run.    

Currently involved in developing :

Solvers Protocol : A cross-chain infra for solvers and intent protocols.

Zelta : A Global Crypto Currency Exchange.

PocketBits : An Indian Crypto Currency Exchange.

I'm available here :

X : https://x.com/wellimbharath
TG : https://t.me/wellimbharath
LinkedIn (Not active): https://www.linkedin.com/in/wellimbharath/

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